Stroke and Rehabilitation Book Recommendations

A few featured books that the stroke community has found inspiring. Discover what might be best for your situation, and let us know of any books you think we should add to the list. Send your recommendation here

My Stroke of Insight
by Jill Bolte Taylor

Why I recommend it:
A thirty-seven- year-old Harvard-trained brain scientist experienced a massive stroke in the left hemisphere of her brain.  She reaching wide audiences through her talk at the Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) conference and her appearance on Oprah’s online Soul Series


Whole Brain Living
by Jill Bolte Taylor

Why I recommend it:
For half a century we have been trained to believe that our right brain hemisphere is our emotional brain, while our left brain houses our rational thinking. Now neuroscience shows that it’s not that simple


Highs, Lows, and Plateaus: A Path to Recovery from Stroke
by Anne Burleigh Jacobs Pt PhD

Why I recommend it:
This book is tremendously helpful in dismissing the negative connotations of “plateau.” It provides hope and inspiration for a continuum along the path of recovery. You will refer to it often.


Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love
by Tony Robbins

Why I recommend it:
Some of the newest breakthroughs in health, including stroke, which included a snapshot of my experience with Healthcare VR.


Stroke Rebel: Optimizing Neuroplasticity to Beat the Odds
by Linda Rådestad

Why I recommend it:
How the attitude of a rebel drove a wife, mother, former model, and entrepreneur to persevere after a stroke changed her life dramatically.


Identity Theft: Rediscovering Ourselves After Stroke
by Debra E. Meyerson, Danny Zuckerman

Why I recommend it:
A Stanford professor’s journey of answering the tough question of “Who Am I Now?” after suffering a devastating stroke that changed her life forever.


Hope After Stroke for Caregivers and Survivors: The Holistic Guide to Getting Your Life Back
by Tsgoyna Tanzman

Why I recommend it:
This is like having a personal therapist at your side, simplifying the medical jargon, answering your questions, guiding and empowering you each step of the way.


My Stroke of Luck
by Kirk Douglas

Why I recommend it:
Revealing not only the incredible physical and emotional toll of his stroke but how it has changed his life for the better, Douglas shares the lessons that saved him and helped him to heal.


Never Give Up: My Stroke, My Recovery, and My Return to the NFL
by Tedy Bruschi with Michael Holley

Why I recommend it:
Tedy gives you something to believe in. Whether we’re winning or losing, he holds his head high, and he knows himself and handles himself so well, others can’t help but follow him.


Stroke Recovery Stories: Humorous and Inspiring Stories Told By Stroke Survivors and the People Who Love Them
by Jeff Kagan

Why I recommend it:
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True Strength: My Journey from Hercules to Mere Mortal - and How Nearly Dying Saved My LIfe
by Kevin Sorbo

Why I recommend it:
An aneurysm caused strokes that left him partially blind and incapacitated at just thirty-eight years old. Yet since appearances are everything in Hollywood, he hid the full details about his condition from the press and continued to film Hercules, the world’s number one TV series. he hid the full details about his condition from the press and continued to film Hercules, which was the number-one TV series in the world.


After a Stroke, 500 Tips for Living Well.
by Cleo Hutton

Why I recommend it:
These quick practical tips are useful and make you consider what is possible.


The Beauty of Living Twice
by Sharon Stone

Why I recommend it:
Sharon Stone shares how she fought her way back to find her truth and her family’s reconciliation and love. This is an amazing perspective from a Hollywood star.


Over My Head: A Doctor's Own Story of Head Injury from the Inside Looking Out
by Claudia L. Osborn

Why I recommend it:
Helpful for families and loved ones as they get a perspective of overcoming a traumatic brain injury from a patient’s perspective


Relentless, How a massive stroke changed my life for the better
by Ted Baxter

Why I recommend it:
The determination, focus, and life-changing story will leave you inspired and amazed at what a champion can achieve if you push hard every day.


Annie the Nanny Has a Stroke
by Julia Irene Fernandes

Why I recommend it:
A wonderful book to help educate children ad families on how to B.E.F.A.S.T and help a families member of friend


Working My Way Back to Me: A Primer for Stroke Survivors, Family Members, and Caregivers
by Lincoln Krochmal MD

Why I recommend it:
A doctor stroke story that doesn’t sugar coat the experience but helps you realize you must never give up and need to push and focus on healing


Healing into Possibility: The Transformational Lessons of a Stroke
by Alison Bonds Shapiro

Why I recommend it:
A two-time stroke survivor’s experience of learning, through trial and error, and how attitude would play the most important role in her remarkable recovery.


After the Stroke: My Journey Back to Life
by Mark McEwen with Daniel Paisner

Why I recommend it:
While traveling, he experienced symptoms that led him to a hospital, where he was misdiagnosed with the flu. Misinformation not only delayed his treatment, but it also nearly cost him his life.


Just Say "Yes" to Life!: Stories of Thriving after Stroke
by Stroke Awareness Oregon

Why I recommend it:
In this one-of-a-kind collection of stories about surviving and thriving after stroke, people from all over the U.S. tell it like it is about the tragedies and triumphs they experienced after stroke.


The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
by Norman Doidge M.D.

Why I recommend it:
The power of thinking and being positive now has scientific backing.  This is a very good book of brain science breakthroughs.


Brains Way Of Healing
by Norman Doidge

Why I recommend it:
The stories and inspiration you will recived when you dig into this book and the explore the discoveries of


Healing the Broken Brain: Leading Experts Answer 100 Questions about Stroke Recovery
by Dr. Mike Dow (Author), David Dow (Author), Megan Sutton CCC-SLP (Contributor)

Why I recommend it:
This book consists of the top 100 questions that stroke survivors and their families ask, with answers from the top physicians and therapists in the country.


If you have a book you would like to suggest, contact us at