Holidays by the Sea


The town of Carmel is magical, so this was a special Holiday with just Bob and I and our two fox terriers.  I focused on enjoying life and not thinking about therapies or strokes.

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A New Set of Challenges


Bob had a business trip to London, and I was determined to go with him.  Our caregiver came with us, and I took my wheelchair and walker.  My therapists helped me practice exercises to prepare me for getting out of…

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A Wonderful Caregiver


We hired a caregiver to help Bob and I with everything around the house; scheduling therapies, doctor appointments, she helps me with home exercises and drives me everywhere. She is amazing!

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A Second Stroke


I survived my second stroke, a TIA and spent 8 days in the hospital filled with endless tests. Yes, they literally took 19 vials of blood in ER when I arrived. The tests continued, but the root cause of the…

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