In-Person Social Gathering
Dried Floral Stationary Workshop
June 2024

Inspiring stroke survivors, through fun events and programs

The brain loves variety and creativity. Champion the Challenges hosted a workshop where stroke champions created special cards in a fun social gathering.


“Thank you, Deb and Bob for our day of fun, laughter, and camaraderie! I always feel replenish after our get togethers, I am so happy.”

“I felt so creative making a couple cards that I can send to friends and family. The smiles and excitement was refreshing, and I didn’t want the card creation workshop to end.”

“This was one of the best stroke social gatherings I have attended in a long-time. The events Deb puts together are amazing, and I can hardly wait to attend Golf 4 Life this year.”

This in-person social gathering meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Sign-up so you don’t miss any inspiring Champion the Challenges Event.
Greg and Peter chatting at our in-person social gathering
Read Greg’s inspiring story of rehabilitation and healing