Champion the Challenges’ Golf4Life event drew 250 participants to Los Lagos Golf Course
Deb Shaw was not a big golf player before she had three strokes between 2016 and 2019. But putting in virtual reality and later on a real course became a big part of her recovery, especially because it allowed her to get outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
She and her husband, Bob Shaw, saw the potential for inspiring other survivors by sharing information about therapies available to them that they might know about and getting them out into the community. They founded a nonprofit, Champion the Challenges in 2020 — and last week hosted more than 250 stroke survivors and their caregivers at the third annual Golf4Life, a free event at Los Lagos Golf Course in San Jose that was more about the experience than the expertise.
Read and listen to the entire article: https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/09/21/stroke-survivors-take-their-swings-at-san-jose-golf-event/